Author Archives: paulborile

About paulborile

I’m a multi-skilled IT professional with a good all-round supervisory and technical expertise. Extensive, 20+ years of professional experience in software development allowed me to investigate computer science and software engineering inside out. During these years I built up a solid base of design patterns, software architectures and programming languages such as C/C++, Golang, Java, Python, SQL, Assembly (and many others). I worked on mission-critical and multi-channel applications, applying distributed computing, messaging, image/data processing and computer graphics techniques. I faced both architecture design and systems rearchitecting, microservices introduction and technology migration as well as company wide adoption of new technologies/methodologies multiple times. As an entrepreneur I have built and grown teams and development organizations from the ground up (internal/out sourced/at customer site) focusing on software engineering methodologies as well as recruiting, budget/financial control and operations support. I am particularly interested in software testing methodologies, software quality metrics and tools to make software development faster and better. Currently leading the Italian development team for ScientiaMobile Inc, a Reston (US) based startup focused on image optimizing CDN and mobile detection technologies and services. Born in Dearborn Michigan and living in Italy since many years now I speak fluently both English and Italian, studied French and learned some Russian while working for some time for a Olivetti/Aeroflot project.

Creating logstash development environment for core or plugins

I had to develop a ruby logstash plugin recently and I going to recap all necessary steps to create a clean jruby env for development :

  • i had to uninstall ruby and install a clean jruby only stack. Not saying that this is necessary but in my case it only worked this way
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby=jruby-
rvm alias create default jruby-
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
ruby -v
jruby (2.3.3) 2017-05-25 b09c48a OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.151-b12 on 1.8.0_151-8u151-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.2-b12 +jit [linux-x86_64]
  • Install and compile logstash just to see if everything works. Check out logstash and from inside the directory :
jruby -S gem install rake bundler
rake bootstrap
rake plugin:install-default
bin/logstash -e 'input { stdin { } } output { stdout {} }'

  • Now compile the plugin from the plugin folder
bundle install
bundle exec rspec # test it
gem build logstash-filter-<yourplugin>.gemspec
  • Install the plugin gem and test it
bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-<yourplugin>-1.0.0.gem


When all 450.000 Tesla model 3 will hit the road …

In a 2 or 3 years all 450.000 model 3 tesla (and probably more) will hit the road and start making an average of 16.550 miles per year. Considering :

this will translate in around 2.5 Tera Wh/year more consumption on the electric grid. Let’s say that in 5 years 10% of all new cars sold are electric. We’ll have an extra 10 TWh per year to reach 1% of all electric consumption in US (in 5 years) and this will just be around 1% of the total number of cars on roads in US. So 1% of electric fleet equals 1% increase over total electricity consumption.

When products/business units ignore each other : Samsung phone and Samsung TV

Let’s assume that you have a Samsung S6 phone and a Samsung TV and that you use videostream for example to see your pc videos on the tv. So since you want to change your tv source to use  chromecast you download the samsung tv remote app (which could have been already installed on a samsung phone) so that you can do everything from your phone, select country and language, wait 10 minutes of download of you have no idea what and in the end …. no tv source change in the samsung tv remote app. But you can see the whole tv product set, ranging from  90″ curved screen to anything else … but no tv source change control …

Videostream guys, please put in your app a universal tv remote feature so that all operations on tv can be done from within the videostream app.

Forecasting increase in electricity needs by introducing electric traction in automobile

A growth in electric vehicles on European roads will need a corresponding  growth in electricity production to serve charging of these cars, both in peak production power and in total annual power. Let’s take italy for example which currently has a total year consumption of around 300 TWh (terna). Considering :

This accounts for 2250 KWh/year for each electric car. Considering 2 milion new cars per year and a 0.5 % of electric cars sold (10000) this means an additional 22 GWh/year to be produced to allow charging them.
So your electric car will consume like a small household (depending on your mileage) and personal/distributed production of electricity (domestic + accumulation) will be necessary.

If you want to really dig deeper : here.